Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Office, not the show, the real deal

Things in the office that really grind my gears –

1. Bums who ride the elevator one floor…really? Take the stairs
2. People who slurp their morning coffee, c’mon – do you think I can’t hear you?
3. When the café runs out of my yogurt
4. “Funny” pictures of the office birthday gurls posted on the bulletin board for ALL to see....HelllLLoooOO Miss May

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I can explain...

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No wait, I really can’t…
See, I don‘t really know why but I have trouble explaining things. I’m going to have trouble explaining why I have trouble explaining things. My brother Zach always makes these clear cut observations about me & he’s so right on. He's been observing me for years and he came to this conclusion...When I tell a joke or say something that’s funny and people don’t laugh/respond, I always try to distract by singing or doing a little dance. Usually show tunes or Disney songs. Ridiculous, I know, but I think it’s the severe case of A.D.D. that I have. I’m reading into it – trying to figure out why I do what I do, why I act the way I act, why I think the way I think, etc…. I’ll figure it out one of these days.
“Might be a quarter Life crisis or just the stirring in my soul…”